The sense of the tattoos in the Polinesia and Occident

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Noticias It know the transfondo cultural and the ritual sense behind this aesthetic tendency.

The tattoos, symbol in the actuality of an individual aesthetic statement, conserve in the cultures polinesias the traditional ritual sense, long after the explorers of the 18th century imported them to Europe.

The Samoan word 'tatau', of the that descend tattoo and 'tatoo', was registered for the first time in 1771 by Joseph Banks, when it formed part of an expedition by Pacífico of the British explorer James Cook, explained the economist and Australian anthropologist-Uruguayan Eduardo de la Fuente.

Although several traditional societies like Indian and Japan practised the recorded in the body, the tattoos that really impacted to the 'western' were those that the explorers discovered among the polinesios.

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